It can be a source of anxiety, not knowing where to go and what to expect when you get to hospital, so I’ve put a post together gathering all the info I know and can find. First off, you can watch the new tour video on YouTube:

Tours of the Oasis birthing centre are also now available with prior booking. They run every Monday and Thursday 5pm. To book go to http://bit.ly/pruhoasis
Next up... parking! My top tips:
take a pen and paper and leave a note on the dashboard explaining your partner is in labour!
take a photo of the meters so you can pay for parking by phone and top up as you need to without leaving the ward/birthing suite
download the Pay by Phone app for easy parking top ups
take a photo of your number plate too if you don’t know it off by heart!
Here’s the parking details for the main car park at the PRUH:

Next, where to go! Maternity is on the 3rd floor south wing. Enter the hospital via the main entrance, go straight through the double doors opposite and take the first set of lifts to the 3rd floor. Oasis suite is on the left, maternity on the right a little ways down the corridor.

Here are some photos of maternity:
The Oasis birthing suite is made up of 2 large rooms with birthing pools and 4 smaller rooms. Each room has a shower room. There are birthing balls, birth stools, TENS machines and gas and air available. Transfer to the labour ward if you wish to have an epidural or need interventions is quick and possible if needed, as labour ward is only down the corridor.
Please ignore the times given for the maternity assessment unit MAU contact number printed in the maternity notes booklet. The number is a 24 hour helpline; and if you have concerns about movements you can call any time day and night.

For the most up to date information on maternity services and restrictions, follow PRUH Maternity Voices Partnership on instagram and Facebook @PRUHMVP.
You can also download the latest reports on maternity care at the PRUH below:
Further info on maternity is available via their online welcome to Kings maternity sessions or via their website https://pruh.kch.nhs.uk/services/maternity/